Friday, November 29, 2013

Writing --- Grade level examples from the CCSS

Here are some good student writing samples from the CCSS. These are helpful for teachers to review as grade level teams to determine the proficiency the CCSS is looking for as well as to share with students and use in your mini-lessons as examples. Kathy

Samples of Student Writing (Appendix C)
These student writing samples have been annotated to illustrate the criteria required 
to meet the CCSS for particular types of writing - argument, informative/explanatory
text, and narrative - in a given grade. 

Some of the samples were written in class or as homework; others were 
written for on-demand assessments; still others were the result of 
sustained research projects.  Where possible, each sample includes information 
about circumstances under which it was produced.

Samples/Teaching Points - Achieve the Core

Scroll all the way down for all the goodies - samples, teaching helpers

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

Feedback is Valuable...........New Blog Look

Thanks to several people's comments that they are enjoying the blog but find the background neat but making it hard to read the blog.  Here you go with a new look.  Kathy

ELA in Science, Social Studies and Technical Subjects

Just found this cool ELA website that makes looking at the ELA for Disciplinary Literacy a bit easier to do.  Thanks to North Carolina!      ELA-Science, Social Studies and Technical Subjects

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Working with Kindergarten and First Grade Teachers - What a Great Day!

Here are some quick resources related to the many topics we discussed today!  I sure had fun hearing about all of your work, your reflection today was inspiring and your care for your students rang strong.

Not all of you were able to see these, so I am sharing all of them with everyone!

Blogging with your students is really key.  Trying  might be your first step!  Way to go Teri for trying this.  It will be exciting to see what your student will write. Here are some more ideas too.

NCTM's virtual manipulatives library  was a quick share on the way out.  There are so many great ways to use these in math center work or with your instruction!

Don't forget the website with the cool ELA tool - the tool that helps you differentiate your ELA instruction easier (I won't say easily!)  I am looking for one for math right now.

Shirley talked about the Marzano graphic organizer templates for text structure.  Here they are.

Here is the video that I shared with Grade 1 on close reading with "The Hungry Catepillar".

What a day of sharing!  It sure made my day!

Monday, November 25, 2013

Making Virtual Posters to Demonstrate Knowledge

I use Smore or Thinglink for making Curriculum and Instruction newsletters and Professional Development/New Program flyers.  I am thinking it would be a great tool for students to create to demonstrate their understanding on a concept in social studies or science.

I have heard of this one but have not used it yet.

Saturday, November 23, 2013

Students Blogging Right Straight to the CCSS Level.............need some ideas

A couple of ideas to share:

From Sara Schoepke:  I have been promoting blogging with students in my district as a means for teachers to get students writing (Common Core) as well as give students a way to use higher level thinking in all content areas.  Here are some of the resources I have created to help my teachers implement blogging in their classrooms. is perfect for blogging/discussions. I see many teachers use it for literature discussion groups - setting up a page for each book with a small group of students collaborating and chatting.

With Kidblog you can enroll in classes with a Google Apps for Education account, too, which makes it simple for teacher set up.

Friday, November 22, 2013

Are You Flipping Over Gains in Student Learning

I am sure you have heard about the FLIPPED CLASSROOM, Those teachers that are able to truly implement procedures so that students can watch videos at home and then use class time for collaborative work time and teacher coaching versus teacher presenting are seeing the student gains.  Give it a try -- but remember what Harry Wong would say, "You have to establish the procedures and put in an accountability system."  But then again, anything effective a teacher does takes thoughtful procedures and consistent routines.

Getting Your Students Feedback.....................

 CAPSpace  .

It is a website where you can post your own projects and invite others to connect and collaborate with your class, or you can browse collaborations or video conference opportunities that other educators have posted.

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Make Creating a Research Bibliography a SNAP

EasyBib is great…so is BibMe, which includes APA, Chicago, and Turabian, in addition to MLA

Now there are some tools that can save instructional time.  

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Can transitions be so exciting kids move quickly to see what is happening.............

Can you transitions students and promote books at the same time --- check this out ----- "Bookloose" reading promotional video done by some Texas middle school students!

Need to calm them down ....try this Magnificent Library video.

21st Century Learning.................Teacher Teamwork is Rockin'

Sara Schoepke shares out: “As you may know, or not know, each elementary building has a 21C committee that is meeting to discuss how the 21st Century Skills and technology integrate into the classroom and instruction.  Great conversation around those topics occur there and I feel the need to share them out some highlights to everyone who is interested...... so periodically, I will be gathering my notes and sharing out the great stuff being shared at that venue.  It is a little lengthy because there is soooo much :)” 

Here is the latest:

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Sound............Creating..............Making Music

Can this video inspire your students to:

  • create sounds with household items,
  • make background music for reading their writing,
  • video take a poetry or prose with background music,
  • discover how sound is made through vibration,
  • create music to demonstrate their knowledge of music theory,
  • to celebrate?
I thought this would be inspiring for kids.....even if only shown for a transitional tool. I found it for a 6th grade student I met who learns best through music.    Kathy

Friday, November 1, 2013

Excellence is about reflection not an endpoint you get to.................

As we close out on October and move into November today, parent-teacher conferences are done and we look at what has been accomplished thus far.  It is at this time that we must remind ourselves that, teaching is challenging.  It is continuous progress not perfection, because things are changing at such a rapid pace, that matters. It is not teachers who get feedback and look back and regret, but those who look forward, reflect and continuously refine that are the excellent ones.  I would love to hear what has caught your attention and has caused you to refine your practice thus far this year --- someone, something you heard, something you read, something modeled...................share your journey with me!

I was inspired to write this because of an awesome teacher who shared some things she reflected on and changed after a walk-thru and conversation  AND the impact on student learning. Kudos to her!!!
