Thursday, September 22, 2016


I just started an amazing book for educators but especially teachers and principals - The Growth Mindset Coach - A Teacher's Month-by-Month Handbook for Empowering Students to Achieve

The books is by Annie Brock and Heather Hundley and begins with August:

 Teaching is a practice, not a perfection.

I just love this quote.  Learning is a lifetime of adventure.  Kathy

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

SMART Goals.....Made EZ

It is that time of the year again. Here is my "SMART Goals....Made EZ" - okay, well perhaps easier at least.    Your feedback would be grand.

Basic Pattern for SLO's and PPG's.

Student Learning Objective Template
I, _____________, will increase/improve student achievement in (1) _____ so that (2) _____ of my students will show gains by (3)_____ on (4) _______ by (5)_______ through (6) ______ (begin to identify your action plan overview.

1. improvement you will measure (reading, math, art vocabulary, skill, etc)
2.  who (all students some gains, an identified population more gains - tiered goals recommended by the state)
3. how much (based on your baseline data, what is the improvement you would like to see, realistic for the given time
4. what tool will you use to measure your progress (MAP, PALS, teacher-created)
5. by when will your measurement be met (end of May to finalize your goal for the year)
6. what is your major action that will increase this growth (specific strategy, emphasizing Accuracy and Fluency in every guided reading lesson for under grade level learners, focusing on two vocabulary terms using visual pictures for each music lesson, etc)

I, Kathy Hoppe, will increase my student achievement in reading so that 80% of my  students make their targeted growth and 80% of my below level students on make 1.5 x their targeted growth by the 1.5 on the MAP Spring to Spring data by focusing on CAFE with an emphasis on C and E for all students and typically A & E in addition for all below RIT students unless formative assessment alter my approach.
Professional Practices Goal Template
I, ______, will increase my knowledge and/or skill in the area of (1) _________ so that (2)___________________________ by/starting (3) ______________ by (4) _____________ through (6) _____________. 

I, Kathy Hoppe, will increase my knowledge and skill in the area of reading instructional practices so that I am able to skillfully set 4-6 week goals off of their running records formative data with all my guided reading group throughout the school year beginning in October and utilize the CAFE strategies to write actions for my individual guided groups successful for their achievement by re-reading CAFE, meeting with Diane, and creating a lesson plan format.

1. area of growth work (reading, math, adaptive technology, etc)
2. what will I be able to do
3. when will I start
4. a key action that you will see me doing to make it happen
5. some strategies (both collaborative and on my own) to increase my professional practice in this area

Get ideas coming to you

I love receiving SymbalooEDU's weekly lesson plan.  Many times I can pass them on to wonderful teachers I know.  Here is a good one for sure.  Digital Citizenship   Click here to subscribe.

Do you have lesson plans coming into your e-mail that you find are typically helpful to you or others you know?  Please let our learning community know as every educator I know needs to gain more time in their hectic lives.  Kathy