Monday, September 30, 2013

The Power of a Word Wall...............are you using one today?

I thought this was a powerful piece on the work of a word wall, how it needs to stay fresh and interactive, and how it can be used in any K-8 classroom.  Yes, I have seen some powerful word walls in the arts, elective classrooms, mathematics, science, social studies, health, etc.  Remember the 6 steps for best practice vocabulary instruction -- if the word is key then give it the time to teach it using these practices.  Most teachers attempt to teach so many vocabulary words that the students are overwhelmed and cannot effectively generalize the terms to their daily use and thus long term memory.  Vocabulary is social so allow time for conversing and using key vocabulary.  AND most importantly, don't have them copying words and definitions from the teacher verbatim which is the least effective strategy of all - yikes.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Interesting Article ..........we will keep working on our learning targets

This is an interesting article about the CCSS.  However, we will continue to study learning and implement best practices with our District Curriculum which is derived from Common Core State Standards, essential skills and knowledge for students in our district and 21st century skills.

Thursday, September 12, 2013

IN9 - Learning Means Processing the Knowledge

Interactive Notebooks - “Learning Means Processing the Knowledge”
  • notebooks, folders for younger students
  • students interacting with the content and other resources
  • students direct companion to GANAG
  • the students “learning space”
  • record objectives, personalize information to insure understanding, work on thinking skills,
  • not for recording information but for making the content “their own”
  • helps teachers get to know how their students think through seeing how they create or re-create the content to have meaning
  • copying teacher notes or taking verbatim notes on what the teacher is saying are the least effective ways for students to learn new knowledge --- they must make sense of it themselves through words and pictures  EX. drawing an ecosystem can really tell you what the student knows about ecosystems versus copying a definition tells you nothing about what they are thinking
  • walking around during a lesson and observing what students are putting in their notebook is a form of formative assessment because it tells you what they are thinking

Tips for preparing the notebook:

  • allowing kids to personalize the notebook is key - front and unit tabs
  • page numbering system
  • table of contents
  • a way to organize objective scoring sheets
  • how to use visual representations of vocabulary words
  • some teachers use the left for the “teacher/input” and the right for “student work/output” -- the teacher content and the application by the student is separated in this way

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Writing Samples from assist with your INSTRUCTION

Some of the samples were written in class or as homework; others were written for
on-demand assessments; still others were the result of sustained research projects.
Where possible, each sample includes information about the circumstances under
which it was produced the circumstances under which it was produced.

These student writing samples have been annotated to illustrate the criteria required to meet the Common Core State Standards for particular types of writing—argument, informative/explanatory text, and narrative—in a given grade.

Some of the samples were written in class or as homework; others were written for on-demand assessments; still others were the result of sustained research projects. Where possible, each sample includes information about the circumstances under which it was produced.

Language Arts - WKCE
·  Writing Test - In the writing portion of the WKCE, students plan, write, and edit a composition on a specific topic (prompt) within a specified time frame.
o    Sample Prompts can be found in the Writing Assessment Released Item Book.

- See more at:

Thanks to Evergreen New Teachers for inspiring me to pull this post together for the good of the group.  

Tuesday, September 10, 2013

PD Opportunity --- Reading Foundations: Decoding

Hello Elementary Teachers -
Would you like to know more about the Common Core State Standards - Reading Foundation Skills? Do you want to learn specifically about what the state's expectations for student's knowledge and skills in the area of decoding?
Consider joining me in a voluntary,  interactive session on the 6 types of syllables and why learners need to know them to decode unknown words as well as gain some tips on how to begin talking about this with students in your classroom through a discovery process.
I am offering a 45 minute overview at Woodfield on Tuesday, September 17th from 3:45-4:30.  E-mail me if you would like one of the 20 slots available.  I will bring the materials..............just bring your learning smile and a treat/drink in case you need one for the after school time.
I look forward to learning with those who are interested.  If you are interested but cannot attend also let me know.  I will over time offer sessions for those interested as I see trends and/or topics of interest or need.

Your partner in learning, Kathy

Friday, September 6, 2013

Creativity Fun - Join in

I know that some of you may have seen information on International Dot Day from Facebook or Twitter posts, but I wanted to pass this website along. It falls on September 15th, which is a Sunday, but many of us will be celebrating over the next couple of weeks. Consider sharing the book “The Dot” with your students and you get creative with dots in all sorts of ways! Let’s see how many classrooms around the world use this as a beginning of the year activity to encourage student 21st century creativity skills.